Founded in 2023
Ever wondered if there's an alternative to the overly aggressive, toxic, emotionally exhausting, and financially draining divorce process? Then you've come to the right place. Read more about my vision for Hassell Family Law, my background, and my unique approach to the divorce process that sets my firm apart.
Hassell Family Law Core ValuesÂ
I want to help you, first and foremost. I want to work with you through a difficult, emotional, and challenging process so you can reach the other side, intact and ready to move on with life. Understanding your goals and formulating the strategy that best serves you is critical to success in your divorce. I will empower you with the information you need to make informed decisions about your divorce. When you're well-informed, you have realistic expectations—making the entire process less stressful and more aligned with your goals.
Time is of the essence, both for you and me. That's why I've streamlined my services with flat-fee pricing, cutting-edge technology, and the flexibility of a virtual firm. I'm committed to being efficient in every aspect—from the way we communicate, to what you pay, to how we resolve your case. The result is more valuable time for you and with you, focused on your case and your needs.
When you work with me, transparency is key. I'll provide you with honest, insightful advice throughout your case and make sure the pricing makes sense so there are no surprises. Open communication is a staple in my approach, ensuring you're never left wondering what's happening in your case or what comes next. You can trust that you are receiving my best, most honest advice about how to achieve your goals and reach a successful resolution of your divorce.​
Getting it done
You want resolution, and I have a track record of delivering just that. You do not want to stay in the divorce process any longer than necessary. You want to be done with your divorce, and move forward with your life. With a compassionate focus, extensive legal experience, and processes tailored toward resolution, I'll guide you through each step that brings you closer to the end of your case. I'm here to get your case done, efficiently and transparently.

Vision for the Firm:
Hassell Family Law
When I founded Hassell Family Law, I didn't want to be just another divorce attorney with just another law firm—I wanted to bring my different perspective on the divorce process directly to you to help you be successful with your divorce. I aim to be a beacon of calm and resolution in challenging times. I am dedicated to offering an alternative to the commonplace, aggressive legal narrative. Instead, I champion strategies rooted in understanding, compassion, and most importantly, resolution. I am driven by providing you with a divorce experience that values compassion over conflict, prioritizes efficiency over endless billable hours with no end in sight, and executes a well-thought out plan defined by your goals and objectives from start to finish to get you divorced. I want you to be able to move on with your life. I want you to leave your divorce better than when you started it. I know it’s possible because I have done it countless times for my clients who were exactly where you are now when they started. They are better off because of my approach to a smarter divorce. It’s your turn. Schedule a consultation, and let's start planning a Smarter Path for your divorce together.
Hassell Family Law, PLLC
Attorney & Founder
Jonathan Hassell
I am passionate about making a positive difference in the lives of my clients and by extension their families. I have gained unique perspectives on divorce, family, and overcoming obstacles throughout my life. I experienced a contentious divorce firsthand as a young teenager and I experienced my own divorce when I was a new father. I stopped and started college a couple times, but ultimately worked full time to finish my degree while proudly serving in the United States Army Reserves. Between college and law school, I progressed through various roles in different financial institutions building a knowledgeable foundation in banking, business, investing, and finance. I then transitioned to law school as a second career with family law in mind from the start. During law school I worked full time as a family law clerk where I learned how to operate in a law firm from the ground up. I bring more than just my legal education and professional background to my clients each day. I bring decades of real-world experience, practical knowledge, and common sense that you cannot learn in a classroom or observe in a courtroom. I know firsthand the value of hard work and overcoming adversity. I relate to my clients and their circumstances on a personal level, and I am invested in their success. I am motivated by joining my clients on their journey through divorce and seeing them achieve the peace of mind and relief that comes when I tell them their divorce is over and they are ready to move on. At home, I am happily married to my incredibly loving, supportive, and patient wife, Kat. We have a blended family of three amazingly wonderful sons, Aydan, Jackson, and Wyatt, along with our dog, Luca. I love being a husband and a father. I am a better person and better attorney because of my family. They keep me grounded and at the same time drive me to help others in their journey through life.
More About Jonathan Hassell

Professional Background
Hassell Family Law, Attorney & Founder, 2023-Present
Walters Gilbreath, PLLC, Associate Attorney, 2020–2023
Moffett Law Firm, Associate Attorney, 2013–2020
Moffett Law Firm, Law Clerk, 2011-2013
Chase Bank, Licensed Banker, 2007–2010
Texans Credit Union, Financial Solutions Offer, 2005-2007
United States Army Reserves, Radio Equipment Repairer, 2002–2006

South Texas College of Law, J.D., 2013
University of Phoenix, B.S. Finance, 2007

State Bar of Texas, Family Law Section
Houston Bar Association, Family Law Section
Montgomery County Bar Association, Family Law Section
American Bar Association
Texas Bar College

On a Personal Note
Favorite bands: Led Zeppelin and Nirvana
Favorite outdoor activity: Golf
Favorite Christmas song: “Last Christmas” by Wham!
Peace is not the absence of conflict; it is the ability to handle conflict by peaceful means.
( Mahatma Gandi )