Flat Fee Pricing: A foundation of the Smarter Path for Your Divorce in Montgomery and Harris County, Texas with Hassell Family Law
Why Flat Fee Pricing?
When was the last time you purchased something without knowing the price beforehand? What about a major purchase? Would you sign a contract to buy a house, build a house, or buy your car without knowing the price? When you know the price of a house, a car, or a service, you’re able to make a more informed decision about the costs and the benefits. Shouldn’t the same apply to your divorce? The price of your divorce should be more upfront.
The traditional hourly billing model employed by most law practitioners is not efficient. An hourly model does not accurately reflect the services you are receiving from the law firm. An hourly model compensates an attorney for the amount of time spent on a particular task. The more time it takes, the more money an attorney earns, and the more it costs you. Hourly billing promotes counting time over the quality of work. Hourly billing limits your ability to evaluate the cost-benefit analysis of any particular action or decision in your case.
Flat fee pricing allows you and me to be on the same side of the cost of the case. Flat fee pricing also promotes better communication between you and me. With flat fee pricing you do not need to worry about whether you should contact me about your case, ask a question, or discuss an important issue.
Flat fee pricing is a more efficient way to charge for a divorce. With flat fees you know ahead of time what a specific service, task, or event will cost. This transparency adds significant monetary and strategic value to you and your case. You make better, more informed decisions when you know the costs and benefits. With flat fee pricing, you do not have to worry about a surprise bill with a much larger balance due than you anticipated. You can plan, budget, and make smarter strategic decisions about your case.
Flat Fee Pricing at Hassell Family Law
Our flat fees are listed on a menu, with descriptions of events and their corresponding prices. Think of buying a car at different trim levels or options. Every divorce carries with it a cost for events most common in divorce cases. Common events include preparing court filings at the beginning of the case, attending mediation, and exchanging financial information with the other side. Other common events include meetings with me to discuss your case, to prepare for important events, and to address any issues that come up during your divorce.
Additionally, some cases may involve more complex issues or require more meetings, planning, or important events. If your divorce involves more complex issues, then the cost may be higher compared to other divorces. The advantage of flat fee pricing is you know the price beforehand, so you are better prepared.
With flat fees, the cost of these events is already known. You do not worry about how long a task will take or how much it will cost. You do not worry about how much you will pay for an attorney, a paralegal, an assistant, maybe a partner, or any other staff member to be involved in your case. You do not worry about each call, message, or contact with me costing you more and more. Instead, you focus on moving forward and getting to the end of your divorce with less stress and less financial uncertainty. Flat fee pricing is the Smarter Path for your divorce in Montgomery and Harris County, Texas with Hassell Family Law.
How We Make Flat Fees Work for You
My years of experiences as a divorce attorney, combined with my years of experience in the financial services industry, give me a unique perspective about how to offer valuable services to you while prioritizing efficiency and transparency. I know how to navigate the divorce process to move your divorce forward, which is the ultimate purpose of the divorce process. I constantly look for ways to improve processes, and deliver results for you without waste or excessive billing.
Technology has come a long way in the legal field and these advances can be leveraged to not only improve the client experience, but reduce the overall costs of legal services for clients. Systems and processes are used to improve the flow of information and work to benefit both you and me. I use technology to take care of other tasks, updates, and communications, so I can focus on your case and provide you with valuable advice and services for your divorce. When you and I work together, I want our time to be worthwhile and productive.
Hassell Family Law is a primarily virtual law firm, meaning we do not staff a large physical office. Law firms with large office spaces and lots of overhead cost you more money because that cost is passed along to you in the form of higher rates. That additional cost is not always a direct benefit to you or the results in your case. All of our technology is cloud-based, employing bank-grade security for file storage, and maintaining flexibility to serve our clients conveniently. There is no wasted time, effort, or energy accessing me or my firm. We are available at the click of a button on your computer or mobile device. The added benefits include significant savings to you and better accessibility to me and your case.
My goal is to deliver value to you at every opportunity and flat fee pricing for your divorce is another way I follow through on that commitment. Schedule your consultation to find out how our flat fee pricing is the Smarter Path for your divorce in Montgomery and Harris County, Texas.
A true consultation requires experience, skill, and knowledge to adequately assess a case and provide valuable feedback for you. Some law firms offer “free consultations” for clients and use employees without legal training to talk with you about your case. That is not how it works at Hassell Family Law. Your time is valuable and your divorce is important. You deserve my undivided attention and my best input on your case. While free consultations save on cost, you usually pay for it with the results. Free consultations are often used to sign up your case, when what you need is sound guidance and direction from a knowledgeable, experienced attorney.
My fee is $350.00 for a 50 minute phone or Zoom consultation. During your consultation, I will give you the time, attention, and respect you deserve. You will participate in a one-on-one meeting where your case will be discussed, reviewed, and analyzed. Expect to talk about your goals for the case, address your priorities for how you want your case to be handled, and ask questions you have about the divorce process and possible outcomes. You will receive an overview of the divorce process in Texas. You will also receive an assessment of potential issues in your case and areas where more time and attention is needed to determine potential outcomes. You will receive an outline of the Smarter Path for your divorce and a summary of the flat fee pricing offered by Hassell Family Law relevant to your case. At the end of the consultation, when you hire me, you will receive a retainer agreement to sign electronically with convenient online payment options. From there you will be on your way to a Smarter Path for your divorce.
If you are ready, I invite you to schedule your consultation now.